Tuesday, October 30, 2007

School Gardens in the Other Washington

One of my favorite websites on food issues is The Ethicurean: Chew the Right Thing. They have a regular news digest on food and ethics issues, as well as general articles from contributors around the country, all with a focus on eating locally. Yesterday's article, "The plot quickens: The Children’s Studio School Garden in DC," was about school gardens in Washignton, DC. In addition to a specific profile of Ed Bruske and his work at The Children's Studio School, it includes a link to a piece about DC School Gardens Week.

A School Gardens Week, declared official by a mayor, city council,or County official, may provide a good focal point for school garden campaigns. It's a way to highlight school garden work and it's importance in educating youth, while spreading information about the needs for funding, space, staffing and curriculum links to gardens.