Hi all, Rebecca here again...this is an exciting time to be a part of farm to school, because things are heating up!
The momentum for the farm to school bill, Local Farms-Healthy Kids keeps building! The bill had two very successful hearings last week in the House and Senate and support keeps growing. GoSkagit.com provides a perspective on the bill from a Mt. Vernon meeting hosted by the Washington Sustainable Food and Farming Network. The discussion was the second in a speaker series called Healthy Farms, Healthy Puget Sound, put on by the network, People for a Healthy Puget Sound and the food co-op.
Alongside the efforts to get nutritious food into our kid's lunches, others are catching on to the local food movement. Check out John Dodge's Olympian article about what the South Puget Sound Community College culinary-arts program is up to, right next door to the state Capitol:
Within a stone's throw of the House and Senate hearing rooms where the Local
Farms-Healthy Kids and Communities Act was unveiled last week, the Fresh
Measures cafeteria operated by the South Puget Sound Community College
culinary-arts program was preparing dishes with fruits and vegetables supplied
by Lewis and Thurston County organic farmers.