WSDA Farm-to-School Program is working in partnership with Seattle Aging & Disability Services and Puget Sound Food Network to support senior meal programs and child care programs in getting more seasonal locally-grown produce into the meals they offer. The project was honored on Wednesday, March 3rd , by a visit from USDA Deputy Secretary Kathleen Merrigan and Seattle Mayor Mike McGinn! Dr. Merrigan was in town to learn more about the Northwest Agriculture Business Center and the Puget Sound Food Network. She and the Mayor, along with representatives from Rep. Inslee’s and Sen. Cantwell’s offices, had lunch with the Farm to Table team, participating farmers and senior meal participants at the Central Senior Services meal site and then headed off to Central Market in Shoreline to learn more about NABC’s work with retailers and local agricultural producers.
(This is a CPPW grant-funded project through Seattle Aging & Disability Services and Public Health-Seattle & King County)